Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July

The 4th of July in St. Augustine was definitely a HOT one. All of our PT friends got together for a yummy BBQ. Here are Mayzie's new boyfriends, pining for her attention. Landon (left) and Emmett (right). Emmett was definitely trying to get fresh and hold her hand!

Red, white, and blue. Kinda nerdy, I know, but couldn't help myself. My roots go back to the 4ths of July when my mom would dress us all in patriotic gear and take us to the parade.

Daddy's little firecracker.


Jen and Sam said...

Hey I am a true believer that there is nothing wrong with dressing in patriotic colors!! And let me just say that the picture of the three little ones is so stinking cute:)

Penny McK said...

Oh, so many boys to choose from! Mayzie deserves to be very picky! I love the photo's. Nerdy or not, I love the red white and blue. She would have fit in perfect with her cousins in Idaho. Makes me miss her so much :(

Shelley said...

Red white and Blue is the only way to go on the 4th. Wait til I get my hands on all these babies together during the 4th. They'll look like triplets! ;)