Sunday, November 29, 2009

So when ya gonna crawl already???

So it actually got cold enough that I had to extricate a sweatshirt from the deepest depths of my closet and "bundle" Mayzie up in a sweatshirt and hat. I'm doing that weird evil laugh right now as I write this (Muahahahah!) because I love Florida winters. Except it is too weird to see blow-up snow globes adorning the green lawns of Floridian residences. Is it seriously December? Is our Mayzie girl seriously 8 months already? Can we seriously make it another three weeks until Christmas break? In the words of a famous man, "Yes We CAN!" Mayzie is close to crawling, but is too content rolling around to wherever she wants to go. That belly of hers is staying grounded. I've decided to not buy her any more toys, because all she likes to do is play with weird things like cords and that springy door-stopper. She could be content for at least an hour pulling it. P.S. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...



Josh and Jillian said...

Emmett loves those door stoppers too! What is with those and kids? haha. I can't believe how fast time flies either. Mayzie will be crawling on all fours soon and then you can't stop her at all. It is a good and a bad thing when they become so mobile. Mayzie looks so cute in her little hat!

The Photography Boutique said...

Oh I love her! That pic of her and zac is so cute! So I finally got your pictures back so when you get to town lets get together and you can see the all!

Lara said...

AH, she's so cute! i love that pink hat and sweatshirt! i totally know what you mean about the toys... that aren't really toys thing. we had a basket of toys for caden: empty water bottles, milk caps, cardboard, a shoe.. people seriously thought it was a trash basket and would throw their trash in it! lol. good times ;) someday she'll like real toys! hope all is well with you guys! can't wait to see you!

Justin said...

I cant wait to see you guys! And to see Mayzie and Porter getting around together! tess

Megan and Shawn said...

Could she be any cuter? I'm promising her to Jack - hope that is okay! She is just so adorable

Penny said...

Oh my goodness, she is so cute! Isn't that funny how everyday stuff is so much more fun than expensive toys? I've decided that store toys are just for the mom or dad. Spoons and pots and pans and toilet paper rolls are so much more fun for the kids!